The Thanet is still supporting people during the Coronavirus pandemic.
As per government guidance, The Thanet sadly had to shut its doors in late March, 2020. While we observe the lockdown and social distancing, we are still actively supporting local residents.
Learn more below.
All our community, and both of The Thanet’s main user groups have been affected severely by the Covid-19 situation, experiencing a range of financial, psycho-emotional and family pressures - loneliness, grief, loss, anxiety about loved ones, stress and uncertainty. We saw from the beginning that the impact of the virus was worse for some than others, and we wanted to do whatever possible to help.
We were able to secure, thanks to the speedy and targeted action of Councillor Alison Kelly, support from the local Haverstock CIL fund for prompt delivery of Emergency Aid for the Over 50s, which is being delivered by Emily Momoh and her volunteers Val and Rosemary. They deliver shopping for those who are shielding, and Emily phones round the group every week to see how everyone is doing. For more information, or to refer a vulnerable person aged over 50 years please contact
Caleb@thethanet.com Mob: 07506 651678
We were also granted Emergency Aid funding from John Lyon’s Charity, which is delivered by Caleb Harris as weekly supplementary shopping vouchers, phone calls and WhatsApp meet-ups and YouTube fitness and creative activity sessions for existing Youth Club members. To find out more about our online youth work delivery please contact:
Mob: 07506 651678